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Since her first short-term missionary trip to Mexico, Anna has carried a deep compassion to spread the love of Christ to the nation. In 2014, she moved to Juarez, Mexico as a full-time missionary. During the years of living there, through prayers, support, partnerships and donations, some of the things Anna was able to do were:

•Work with other missionaries that came from the US for short-term missionary trips, as well as serve with missionaries that temporarily lived on the mission base in Juarez

•Partner with churches and other ministries to help build a mission base to house missionary teams, as well as become a home church to locals

•Work with children in poor locations, providing music lessons, English lessons, cooking lessons, Bible classes, day camps, and supplying the children with supplies for school, as well as food and household essentials for their families

•Visit neighboring homes, starting small home groups where people would gather for Bible study and fellowship

•Support a local church through worship, instruments, music lessons, and a children’s program

•Travel to other parts of Mexico, including the Chihuahua Mountains, the Oaxaca region, Sinaloa, and Zacatecas to serve with local churches and Bible schools

•Share the gospel and provide food and clothing for immigrants and refugees that lived in tents on the US/Mexico border

•Visit and bring humanitarian aid to orphanages, nursing homes, homeless shelters, and rehabilitation centers

•Help a blind man take care of himself, his home, and bring him to church

•Hold evangelical services in towns, villages, city buses and provide people with food


Currently, there are still missionaries and local churches/organizations serving in Mexico. Anna and her husband continue to organize camps for kids, support new churches being built, work with missionary teams, help with translation, as well as help a Bible institute that disciples new missionaries and Christians. Their future plans include hosting a Bible school in the towns of San Marcos, Durango, and Miguel Auza, Zacatecas for adults, as well as children. This would include providing classes and lunch for students, visiting orphanages, nursing homes, hospitals, and rehab centers and providing these places with humanitarian aid as we share the gospel. In order to be able to do this, we are helping to raise funds to build a local church that would also help house children and students. The church members have faithfully gathered and worshiped in a small garage for over 20 years. The foundation of the new church is complete, but the rest is awaiting! May God bless you for taking part in spreading His Kingdom!

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